Erase Your Pain Today!
Book A Virtual Session
To book a Chakra Cleansing in person session click on Book Online in Menu
To book a virtual session for a Chakra Cleansing: Please send an email to
Please include some information in your request:
Is this a session about just you or you and a twin flame?
If just you, please provide the goal you have in mind. Examples could be patterns around addictions, weight, chronic physical pain, emotional pain, traumas, karmic patterns and wound, etc ---- Regardless, I will be going into each chakra and asking it to show us what needs to be healed, so if you are unsure just write "unsure."
If there are any days of the week or times of day that works better for you, please provide information so I can best schedule our session.
Payment can be accepted virtually by Pay Pal, Zelle or Venmo. Please include how you will pay. Payment will be required at time of booking session.