Erase Your Pain Today!
Energy Clearing & Shadow Work
You will receive deep healing in your mind, body and spirit with this session. This experience will leave you feeling renewed on all levels. You will feel more balanced and harmonized within. This is for balancing and clearing your energies in your chakras and the electromagnetic field around you.
We will dive deep into your subconscious mind and identify patterns, beliefs, ideas and thoughts that could be running in cycles in all aspects of your life. Once we identify these beliefs that may be causing limitations in and around your life, we will remove the energy from the field around you.
Sessions can be experienced in the office or on zoom. 1 Hour.
Please Read Below.......

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."
Carl Jung
Why is a session like this important?
It is important to nourish our mind, body and spirit.
Our chakras are wheels of spinning energy that run up along the spinal column and are healthy when they are cleared and at an optimal vibration. When we have unprocessed emotions, traumas and grief, the chakras begin to get bogged down with gunk that can cause the wheels to spin at a rate that is too fast or slow and may even become completely shut down and blocked.
What Are Chakras?
Our chakras are wheels of spinning energy that run up along the spinal column and are healthy when they are cleared and at an optimal vibration. When we have unprocessed emotions, traumas and grief, the chakras begin to get bogged down with gunk that can cause the wheels to spin at a rate that is too fast or slow and may even become completely shut down and blocked.
The blocks within our energy system can be caused from limited beliefs, fears, traumas and wounds that could be from this lifetime or a past life. These blockages could be contributing too patterns in one’s life that keep cycling over and over. It could be what is responsible for the physical and emotional health problems we are experiencing. This could be the thing holding us back from living the life that we thought could only exist in our dreams.
Our chakras are the gateway for our subconscious mind (which is the field around us) into the physical body which holds the conscious mind.
How Does Our Chakras Affect Our Physical Body?
In today’s modern day, we are obsessed about looking for quick fixes when it comes to our health. The truth is, if it is a quick fix than it is just a band aid.
True healing happens when we heal from the inside out. If we are experiencing a chronic physical pain or disease, chances are it is a manifestation from an emotional wound or trauma that has been left unprocessed in your subconscious mind which is in your energy field.
What Is Our Energy Field?
We have an electromagnetic field around us that can stretch as far as 6 feet wide. This field is measurable and carries information about us and our experiences. This field is our outer mind (our subconscious mind). All of our behavioral patterns are held here and we may be looping old programming, behaviors and learned beliefs that we may not agree with out here in our field.
It is through this field that we communicate to other people, even when we are not aware that we are. And our field is what talks to our brain. Our brain is only the processor of the information. The brain tells our body what to do. If we are not aware of our programs and they are replaying ones we may not like then it could be telling the body to do things we really do not want.
The more space we clear out in this field, the more open we are too positive energies and the ability to use more of our senses.
What Will This Session Include?
This session can be done in person or online over zoom. The field around our body and our chakras can be accessed across all time and space. There is no boundaries when it comes to energy. Those are limited beliefs by people who are unaware of their field around them.
I will be tapping into your field and helping you to identify these limited beliefs, patterns and thoughts that need to be identified and removed and walk you through the process of removing them.
I am so grateful and honored to lead you on your journey to healing.
Love and light......And so it is!
Carrie Cox
Practical Information
Here is some practical information, to help you optimally prepare for your Energy Clearing Session. Please read this section carefully.
What you need to know before the session:
This is a maximum 1 hour will be on the zoom session.
You can use your laptop, smartphone or tablet to access the session or book appointment in office.
Please read the ‘after the session’ instructions BEFORE your session.
After the session please:​
Burn some dried sage in the room where you sat during the journey, this to clean the space energetically of all the residue energies we cleared during the session.
Drink lots of water to help flush out all the energies that were lodged in your physical body and are now being released.
By buying this service you state that you have read the following disclaimer and terms of service and that you willingly enter into and accept the following as your own words:
I am 18 years of age or older. I understand that I am not receiving legal, professional, financial, medical, religious, emotional or psychological advice. I understand that no warranty or guarantee exists. I understand that any inferences I make during my session are my own, and are open to interpretation. I understand that it is my choice to act upon any information gleaned during my session and I hold Carrie harmless from any liability.
I understand that no professional relationship exists. By agreeing to the terms of this disclaimer, I certify that I am voluntarily seeking service from Carrie and take full responsibility for any/all outcomes.